7 Tips to Succeed in a Multi-Country Business Transformation Project

7 Tips to Succeed in a Multi-Country Business Transformation Project

We live and work in a period where technology is making us more connected; this interconnectivity means that the chances of being involved in international projects increase exponentially. Any given project represents a significant challenge for many reasons, no matter what the location: budgets, tight deadlines, sharing resources, among many others. If that project takes…

The New Accounting Leases Standard Impact

The New Accounting Leases Standard Impact

The International Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FIASB), have announced that the final “Leases Standard” will be set before the end of this year. Although the exact changes are not final, the tentative decisions give a clear indication of what the new leases standard impact may be. The key points from…

Leases standard

New Accounting Leases Standard Near Completion

The International Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), have announced that the final leases standard will be finalised before the end of the year. This will be the culmination of nearly a decade’s work on this joint project to introduce new accounting leases standards. To reach this point, there have been…