Tag: business process automation

Tag: business process automation

Our latest thinking on the issues transforming and impacting the industry. Visit our Resources section for a broad spectrum of technical, functional and industry topics and case studies.

Why Automated Document AI Solutions Need Humans

The rise of AI has ignited a revolution in document processing across all industries. Within Asset Finance, automation powered by Document AI promises significant benefits:...

Automation and AI: The Path to Efficiency and Insights in Leasing and Asset Finance

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have created a transformative era in leasing and asset finance, where efficiency reigns supreme, and data-driven decisions have become the...

VIP Apps Consulting Proudly Continues Its Sponsorship of the World Leasing Yearbook 2024

At VIP Apps Consulting, we are excited to announce the continuation of our sponsorship of the World Leasing Yearbook for its 2024 edition. As a...

Workflow Integration: Bridging the Gaps in Modern Organisations

Teams within organisations today are grappling with an overwhelming number of tools and systems, making it increasingly difficult to connect people, technology, and processes across...

Human vs. Machine – The Role of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has revolutionised how search engines work, making them more intuitive, accurate, and user-friendly. From Siri to Alexa, and more recently with...

Digital Customer Experience: The Key to Staying Ahead in Leasing and Asset Finance

The leasing and asset finance industry is undergoing a significant shift as lessors adapt their business models to stay ahead of market trends. To meet...