In 2018 Challenge The Process, Embrace The Vision
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In 2018 Challenge The Process, Embrace The Vision

Yes, that’s right, it’s that time of the year again! Another fantastic year has quickly passed by, supporting our clients in the Leasing and Financial Services industry with their business transformation and technology innovation projects. The VIP Apps Consulting team has taken a moment to look back on the past 12 months and reflect on…

What CFOs Need to Know about Robotic Process Automation RPA
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What CFOs Need to Know about Robotic Process Automation RPA

The benefits of implementing Robotic Process Automation in the Leasing and Financial services industry has caught the attention of many CFO leading the digital transformation strategies in their organisation. Financial service institutions around the world are responding to the evolving market demands by adopting smart technologies like RPA, to align the front, middle and back…

Three strategic areas in the financial services digital transformation path
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Three strategic areas in the financial services digital transformation path

It is not news the disruption in the financial services industry is pushing banks to develop differentiated strategies to meet the challenges of entrants with innovative business models. Part of the problem in succeeding in this journey still lays in the ability to create flexible technology ecosystems and structures with the internal capabilities that can…

Is your organisation ready for the new Lease Accounting Standards IFRS 16 / FASB ASC 842?

Is your organisation ready for the new Lease Accounting Standards IFRS 16 / FASB ASC 842?

The effective date of new leases standards is less than 20 months away. The new Lease Accounting Standards IFRS 16 / FASB ASC 842 requires companies to bring most leases on-balance sheet, providing a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases. The new standard will significantly change the…

2017 Technological trends and how to prepare for the business impact of innovation

2017 Technological trends and how to prepare for the business impact of innovation

Blockchain, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT), machine learning are among the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017 according to Gartner calling to disrupt also the Leasing and Financial Services industry. Other tech innovations like digitalisation and cloud that should already be in your CIOs and CTOs innovation plans,…

Announcing the Launch of our New Website
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Announcing the Launch of our New Website

VIP Apps Consultancy is proud to announce the launch of our new website outlining our holistic strategic technology and business consultancy solutions.  As leading providers of Management Consulting, Business Process Management (BPM) and Technology Consulting Services for the Leasing and Financial Services industry, this update reflects our ongoing development and features our full range of innovative solutions offer, core…

Digital Transformation Drives BPM Investment
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Digital Transformation Drives BPM Investment

Digital transformation and the changes in technology and consumer behaviours it is driving are having a fundamental impact on business processes. Digital transformation is disrupting industries across the global economy including the finance and leasing industry. This transformation is fuelling investment in innovation and Business Process Management (BPM) as organisations look to maintain competitive advantage…

The Importance of Digital Culture

The Importance of Digital Culture

Successful implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) through technology is more than just putting new infrastructure, software and processes in place. The digital economy accounted for 22% of the world’s economy last year and the figure is growing rapidly. Organisations are increasingly unable to ignore the impacts of the digital transformation that is taking place…

Importance Of BPM During Digital Transformation
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Importance Of BPM During Digital Transformation

Technological advances are fuelling a digital transformation in both the way consumers and organisations view the world. This digital transformation is creating opportunities for organisations to review and optimise their business processes and system infrastructures. Last week saw London host the Gartner Business Transformation & Process Management Summit. The event was focussed on managing and…

Methodology For Upgrading Legacy Systems In The Leasing Industry
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Methodology For Upgrading Legacy Systems In The Leasing Industry

Upgrading legacy systems within the leasing and finance sectors represents a challenge for CFOs and IT directors to define and implement cost effective and process efficient solutions across the organisation. The technology-driven opportunities and challenges within this sector are continuously evolving and without expert analysis, it can be difficult for a CFO and IT Director…