Automating Business Debt Collection Using the Cloud
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Automating Business Debt Collection Using the Cloud

Cashflow and debt management are vital components for any business: bad debts can have a catastrophic impact on the financial viability of any company.  Debt collection is an important part of any business, and the right tools can make collection activities more efficient and help companies get paid faster. A good example of this is…

Oracle Drives Business Modernisation & Faster Business Analytics

Oracle Drives Business Modernisation & Faster Business Analytics

As a business process consultancy and an Oracle Gold Partner, VIP Apps Consulting has a track record of using Oracle platforms to improve the business processes, management, and reporting within companies. It therefore came as no surprise to read what an Oracle implementation had achieved for a large corporate customer using the platform. This was…

NHS IT System
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Lack of Expertise Causes NHS IT System Failures

When reviewing the latest trends from the blog of my colleague Roy Lilley (through his blog NHSManagers.Net), I am amazed that the same issues have been recurring since my early days as a consultant with the UK Health sector in the 1990’s. A few of the highlights in previous weeks include: “The NHS is effectively broke.”…

The New Accounting Leases Standard Impact

The New Accounting Leases Standard Impact

The International Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FIASB), have announced that the final “Leases Standard” will be set before the end of this year. Although the exact changes are not final, the tentative decisions give a clear indication of what the new leases standard impact may be. The key points from…

The Value of Innovation in Business Process Management
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The Value of Innovation in Business Process Management

In the modern business environment, technology – and the way it is used by an organisation on the levels of both delivery and infrastructure – can mean the difference between success and failure. The continuing and rapid advances in technology, such as widespread access to high speed broadband, the popularity of cloud based technologies, and…

What Oracle Solutions Can Do for Your Business

What Oracle Solutions Can Do for Your Business

When implementing Business Process Management (BPM) within your organisation, it is important to find the right hardware, data, and software solutions to meet your requirements in an efficient and cost effective way. VIP Apps Consultancy are proud to tell you that we are partnered with industry leaders Oracle, so we can provide you with the…

Measuring Success from BPM Implementation

Measuring Success from BPM Implementation

The implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) systems requires significant investment in terms of time, human resources, and ultimately capital. Each project needs to deliver a measurable Return On Investment (ROI) on the benefits of implementing the system, both in the short term (within one year) and in the long term (up to 5 years)….

London Technology Week 2015

London Technology Week 2015

London has a reputation for being a hotbed of technology-based innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. The city and the tech community as a whole celebrated this in June, with all three areas featuring prominently during the unique London Technology Week. What is London Technology Week? London Technology Week 2015 was a weeklong set of face-to-face events…