Announcing the Launch of our New Website
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Announcing the Launch of our New Website

VIP Apps Consultancy is proud to announce the launch of our new website outlining our holistic strategic technology and business consultancy solutions.  As leading providers of Management Consulting, Business Process Management (BPM) and Technology Consulting Services for the Leasing and Financial Services industry, this update reflects our ongoing development and features our full range of innovative solutions offer, core…

Cloud Fuels Dominance Of IT Software Subscription Services

Cloud Fuels Dominance Of IT Software Subscription Services

The way in which businesses and consumers buy IT services is changing, cloud technology has seen IT capital expenditure decline as companies move to IT software subscription services. Cloud technology allows companies large and small to outsource their IT infrastructure and pay on a subscription basis rather than requiring an expensive upfront capital expenditure. This…

Oracle Scene Magazine Cloud

Oracle Scene Summer Issue Features VIP Apps

Oracle Scene is the independent magazine for Oracle users. It allows users to access case studies, news on technology, applications, business, and management, as well as including the latest UK Oracle User Group (UKOUG) and Oracle updates and is packed full of interesting blogs and top tips. Issue 60 of the magazine has recently been…

The Circular Economy Opportunity – A Leasing Society

The Circular Economy Opportunity – A Leasing Society

Globalisation and concerns about the efficiency of a traditional linear economy have led to the development of an alternative approach to resources. With efficiency, a key driver for CFOs in the finance and leasing industries could the adoption of the principles of a circular economy allow for a more sustainable and profitable approach to assets…

Digital Transformation Drives BPM Investment
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Digital Transformation Drives BPM Investment

Digital transformation and the changes in technology and consumer behaviours it is driving are having a fundamental impact on business processes. Digital transformation is disrupting industries across the global economy including the finance and leasing industry. This transformation is fuelling investment in innovation and Business Process Management (BPM) as organisations look to maintain competitive advantage…

The Importance of Digital Culture

The Importance of Digital Culture

Successful implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) through technology is more than just putting new infrastructure, software and processes in place. The digital economy accounted for 22% of the world’s economy last year and the figure is growing rapidly. Organisations are increasingly unable to ignore the impacts of the digital transformation that is taking place…

Exploring The Concept Of The Connected Car

Exploring The Concept Of The Connected Car

One of the most anticipated developments from the Internet of Things (IoT) rapid expansion is the concept of the “connected car”. Cars are already finely tuned pieces of digital technology. The average car already has the computing power of 20 personal computers and has over 100m lines of code processing 25GB of data an hour….

Three Areas Digital Consumer Behaviour Is Disrupting The Financial Sector

Three Areas Digital Consumer Behaviour Is Disrupting The Financial Sector

The ability to access data faster and from anywhere in the world is empowering consumers to use technology to redefine the way they interact with the world. This technological innovation is fuelling disruption within the financial services industry as consumer’s expectations change and companies look to tailor their offerings to the digital economy. The potential…

How Finance CIOs Are Driving Digital Transformation

How Finance CIOs Are Driving Digital Transformation

Advances in mobile connectivity and the technological advances this has enabled a digital transformation affecting the way consumers view the world and what they expect from the businesses that serve them. Consumers have been given access to instant information and the ability to control almost every aspect of their lives from their smartphone. Fueling demand…